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You can search for a contractor by name, category and region. To select more than one search parameter, hold down the control key (Apple key on Mac).

PLEASE NOTE: Many contractors are currently not listed under a contractor category. If you are not getting the results you expect, please select NONE. The information contained in this directory is the most accurate information available. Please help us expand and update our directory by clicking the link in the red box below.


Contractor name

Or search by category

Other Criteria




ATTENTION CONTRACTORS: We are committed to maintaining accurate and up-to-date information on all of our contractors. Please help us by reviewing your listing and sending us your current information.

Please supply us with your updated information by CLICKING HERE. Be sure to include your name, phone, fax, e-mail and web address as well as your contractor categories and regions you work in. If you have woman-owned, minority-owned or disadvantage-owned designations, please include those as well.

Thank you for your cooperation!



The Operating Engineers Local 324 Labor Management Education Committee aims to make Michigan the premier state in the union and possibly the world to construct and maintain infrastructure and facilities. We will achieve this mission through education, communication, innovation and dedication to the members of Operating Engineers Local 324, while concurrently striving to enhance progressive relationships with the contactors employing them and the project owners providing opportunities for the members to perform their craft.